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Packing Tips Before Moving to a New Home

January 9, 2024 by  

Moving to Florida is definitely one exciting milestone for many people. However, the daunting task of packing for the move is something that requires a lot of patience and hard work. To avoid rushing, preparations must be done months prior to the exact day of moving.

You wouldn’t want to pack several days before moving day only to realize you’ve forgotten a lot of essential home items to your old home. Below are helpful tips on how to get ready for moving day in the most efficient way possible:

Prepare the Things You Need – Prepare all the things you will use when packing such as boxes, bubble wraps, wrapping sheets, scissors, packaging tape, marking pens, stickers for labeling, and used paper for padding. Make sure the boxes or cartons you get come in various sizes and are in good condition. Your packing supplies should be high quality so they can withstand the wear and tear of moving.

Proper Packaging – Allot a specific area for packing. Use bubble wraps or sturdy wrapping sheets to wrap each item then put them inside a box carefully. Make sure to put the heavier items at the bottom of the box so they can’t damage the lighter items. Avoid filling the boxes with too much to minimize the risk of damaging them. For fragile items like plates, vases or breakable home decors, use more bubble wraps or packing sheets so they won’t break. Fill empty spaces with used paper to avoid shaking.

Label Boxes – To make packing your things simpler, begin packing your things one room at a time. Start with the smaller items first then put them in labeled boxes stating which room they came from. Keep these boxes together so you can find and unpack them easier.

Basic Needs Box – There is a big chance you won’t be able to unpack everything immediately. Prepare a box for your basic needs and label it. This box should include items that you and your other house members will initially use once you moved. Supplies such as toiletries, kitchen utensils, and cooking items can be put inside this box. You may also add things that you can use in unpacking like cutters, tape and scissors. Handy snacks can be very helpful too especially when someone gets hungry and you haven’t cooked yet. You should also pack some comfortable clothes to use during the unpacking activities and a couple of complete sets of clean clothing you can change into for the coming days. Keep these boxes away from the other things you packed to avoid any mix-up.

Organize Your Paperwork – Gather all necessary paperwork in one folder or envelope so you know where to find them. This consists of files like contact information of important people, receipts or payment slips, reservation papers for moving trucks or hotels, petty cash allotted for moving, and any other important documents you will need. Make sure to keep this in a secure and accessible place.

Get Everything Out of the Kitchen – Throw away any perishable items that can easily spoil and put the rest inside food containers. Clear out your refrigerator, drawers, and dishwasher. Write down the contents on the boxes and label it then securely pack them. Put all your hardware and other kitchen utensils in separate bags then pack them together in a single box. Accessories for electronics such as remote controls and cables must also be packed together so everyone knows where to find them.

Arrange the Boxes – As you finish packing each box, stack them in an organized manner keeping the heavy boxes on the bottom. Leave them in rooms where you are done packing so they don’t get in the way. Again, remember to label the boxes according to content and from which room they came from so you can find them immediately once you need to put everything together.

Double Check – Once you are done packing, make sure to check all the rooms again to be sure you did not leave anything behind. If you find anything else that you need to pack, put them inside another box and label it.

Jove Arthur ensures he is very organized before moving into a new apartment. His work at Door Emporium as Online Sales Manager has sharpened his negotiating skills, especially when he is looking for a new house.

Moving and Storage Services in Florida

May 12, 2024 by  

Choosing a Moving Method when You Need

As you are no doubt aware, there are many different moving and storage services in Florida for consumers to choose from when they are seeking a company to help them with a moving to or in the state of Florida. In fact, there are so many different companies, that you can sometimes get overwhelmed when you start the process that allows you to find that perfect company. As such, here are a few simple steps that you can follow in order to thin out the list of potential Florida moving companies, allowing you to uncover the one that is right for you and your situation.

  1. Talk to Who You Know – The best way to find a company that will treat you right is to talk to the people that you know. These people will be able to give you the best idea of what company is good and what companies you should stay away from. People love to share their experiences, so make sure that you ask around when you are looking for a moving company.
  2. Decide on Services – If you find that you need storage services, then make sure to contact companies that offer these services. Sometimes it may save you money to purchase these services separately, but other times, you might save tons by hiring a company that offers both. Check out both routes before you settle on one method over the other.
  3. Make a Short List and Call Around – After you have spoken to people that you know and you have decided on the services that you need, narrow your list down into something that you can manage. Call each of the companies and speak to a representative that can answer any of the many different questions that you might have. Make sure to take note of your first impressions, and jot down the answers to the questions that you have asked. Get a price quote as well, and keep it handy so that you can compare it with the others.
  4. Compare and Contrast – After you have the information that you have requested, compare the different companies and what kind of moving and storage services they offer in Florida. Look at the prices at which they offer the different services, and choose the couple of companies that seem to fit your needs the best. Make sure that you take into account the first impressions that you have as well as the facts that you put on paper.
  5. Get a Binding Quote – When you have chosen a couple of companies from the list, call them back and request a binding moving quote for their services. Make sure that they include the storage services that you might require as well as the moving and transportation services that you need as well. A binding quote is a legally binding contract, so if the company is unwilling to offer you this, then mark them off of your list. This is one of the best ways for you to protect yourself in a time when moving scams are all over.

Regardless of where you are moving in Florida, you need to make sure that your moving and storage needs are met before you can start packing. By following these simple steps, you can make sure that your needs are met by an upstanding and professional company. There is a company out there that is right for you, and this is the best way to find it. In the end, the right company will go a long way to making your move a simple one.